Integrity. Experience. Law.




This website and the materials on it, including any associated or linked articles, blogs, court documents, or other materials, are for general information purposes only and are not intended to constitute legal advice. We do not promise or guarantee that the materials here are in all cases accurate, complete, or current. Nobody reviewing the content of this site, including existing clients of Lambert Rudman, should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included on the site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice from an attorney licensed in the appropriate state on the particular facts and circumstances at issue. The information contained on this website is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice from an attorney who has an understanding of the relevant specific issues and knows which jurisdiction's laws will apply to the issues.

We are happy to communicate with you via email. However, neither this site, nor any email originating from it, is intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and Lambert Rudman. If we do not already represent you in a matter about which you communicate with us, your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential. Email correspondence will not, by itself, establish a business relationship between you and Lambert Rudman. Before we can agree to represent you, we must run a check for conflicts of interest. It is therefore important that you not provide us with sensitive or confidential information until we have taken that step and requested such information from you. If and when we agree to represent you, you will receive a written engagement letter signed by a Lambert Rudman attorney.

If the matter about which you are contacting us is time-sensitive, please call us rather than waiting for a reply to an e-mail. Some claims may be subject to a Statute of Limitations, which is a deadline by which a suit must be filed, an appeal from an administrative action must be taken, or some other act must be performed. Lambert Rudman will make every effort to respond to an e-mail inquiry as soon as possible, but a quick response is not always feasible. A phone call directly to the Lambert Rudman attorney who handles the kind of case you have is always preferable when immediate attention is required.

If you communicate with us by e-mail on a matter in which we already represent you, please remember that e-mail is not always secure and you should avoid sending sensitive or confidential messages. E-mails sent from a computer or network owned by your employer or other third party should never be considered confidential. Nevertheless, we may respond by e-mail to your e-mail inquiry using the same address from which your e-mail originated unless you ask us to respond in some other way.

Lambert Rudman attorneys are licensed to practice in Maine. The firm does not intend to practice law in any jurisdictions where the firm is not licensed.